Talking about Hobbies and Interests in Italian.

Being able to discuss hobbies and interests in Italian is important for several reasons:

  • It helps you to connect with Italian on a personal level and fosters a deeper understanding of their culture.

  • It’s a practical and engaging way to reinforce and expand your linguistic abilities.

  • It helps you participate in local activities and engage in social events.

  • It opens opportunities to explore the country in a more immersive way.

So, without further ado, let's get started!

  1. Starting the conversation

When you want to talk about your interests and hobbies, you can use these expressions to initiate the conversation:

  • Mi piace... I like...

  • Mi piace molto (interest/hobby). - I really like (interest/hobby).

  • Sono appassionato/a di (interest/hobby). - I'm passionate about (interest/hobby).

  • Adoro... I love...

  • Mi appassiona... I am passionate about...

  • Ho un grande interesse per (interest/hobby). - I have a great interest in (interest/hobby).

For example:

Mi piace molto la musica. Suono il pianoforte da quando ero piccolo/a. - I really like music. I have been playing the piano since I was little.

2. Asking someone about their interests

To find out someone's interests, you can ask questions like these:

  • Quali sono i tuoi interessi? - What are your interests?

  • Qual è il tuo hobby preferito? - What is your favorite hobby?

  • Cosa ti piace fare nel tempo libero? - What do you like to do in your free time?

  • Hai qualche hobby che ti appassiona? - Do you have any hobbies you're passionate about?

  • Che tipo di attività ti appassiona? - What kind of activities are you passionate about?

  • Hai qualche interesse particolare? - Do you have any particular interests?

For example:

Quali sono i tuoi interessi? Mi piacerebbe conoscere le tue passioni. - What are your interests? I would love to know your passions.

3. Express your hobbies and interests

When someone asks you about your interests, you can respond in a simple or detailed and engaging manner. Here are some examples:

  • Il mio hobby preferito è... My favorite hobby is...

  • Mi piace molto... I really like...

  • Di solito faccio... I usually do...

  • Trovo divertente... I find it fun...

  • Mi piace molto leggere, soprattutto i romanzi di fantascienza. Mi fanno sognare. - I really enjoy reading, especially science fiction novels. They make me dream.

  • Ho un grande interesse per il calcio. Gioco anche in una squadra amatoriale. Mi tiene in forma e mi diverto. - I have a great interest in soccer. I also play in an amateur team. It keeps me fit and I have fun.

  • Sono appassionato/a di fotografia. Mi piace catturare momenti speciali e raccontare storie attraverso le immagini. - I'm passionate about photography. I love capturing special moments and telling stories through images.

  4. Asking follow-up questions

To keep the conversation going, you can ask follow-up questions. Here are some examples:

  • Hai mai pensato di iniziare...? Have you ever thought about starting...

  • Possiamo fare insieme...? Can we do... together?

  • Che ne dici se...? What do you think about...?

  • Da quanto tempo pratichi (interest/hobby)? - How long have you been practicing (interest/hobby)?

  • Qual è stata la tua esperienza più memorabile legata a (interest/hobby)? - What has been your most memorable experience related to (interest/hobby)?

  • Hai mai partecipato a qualche evento o competizione riguardante (interest/hobby)? - Have you ever participated in any events or competitions related to (interest/hobby)?


Practice often these common phrases:

  • Mi piace (activity/hobby). - I like (activity/hobby).

Example: Mi piace leggere - I like reading.

  • Sono appassionato/a di (activity/hobby). - I am passionate about (activity/hobby).

Example: Sono appassionato di musica. - I am passionate about music.

  • Amo (activity/hobby). - I love (activity/hobby).

Example: Amo fare escursioni. - I love hiking.

  • Passo il tempo libero a (activity/hobby). - I spend my free time (activity/hobby).

Example: Passo il tempo libero a suonare la chitarra. - I spend my free time playing the guitar.

  • Mi diverto a (activity/hobby). - I have fun (activity/hobby).

Example: Mi diverto a dipingere. - I have fun painting.

  • Coltivo l'interesse per (activity/hobby). - I cultivate an interest in (activity/hobby).

Example: Coltivo l'interesse per la fotografia. - I cultivate an interest in photography.

  • Ho sempre voluto imparare a (activity). - I have always wanted to learn (activity).

Example: Ho sempre voluto imparare a ballare salsa. - I have always wanted to learn how to dance salsa.

  • Mi rilasso facendo (activity). - I relax by doing (activity).

Example: Mi rilasso facendo yoga. - I relax by doing yoga.

  • Mi interesso di (subject/activity). - I am interested in (subject/activity).

Example: Mi interesso di storia dell'arte. - I am interested in art history.

  • Pratico (activity/hobby). - I practice (activity/hobby).

Example: Pratico il tennis. - I play tennis.

These phrases will help you express your hobbies and interests in Italian and engage in conversations about them.

Divertiti! (Have fun!)