Speak About Holidays in Italian: Essential Vocabulary and Phrases.

Planning a holiday and talking about it in Italian can be both exciting and a little daunting.

Knowing how to express yourself in Italian is important and can make the experience even richer.

In this post, we’ll cover essential vocabulary and phrases to help you confidently discuss holidays in Italian, from packing your bags to sharing your travel experiences.

Common Holiday Terms

First, let’s start with some basic vocabulary. Knowing these words will lay the foundation for any conversation about holidays.

La vacanza: Holiday

Viaggiare: To travel

Il viaggio: Trip

La destinazione: Destination

La gita: Excursion

La spiaggia: Beach

Il mare: Sea

La montagna: Mountain

La città: City

Il paese: Country

Il passaporto: Passport

Il bagaglio: Luggage

Il bagaglio a mano: Hand luggage

La valigia: Suitcase

Lo zaino: Backpack

Il volo: Flight

L'aeroporto: Airport

La stazione: Station

Il treno: Train

L'autobus: Bus

Il biglietto: Ticket

L'itinerario: Itinerary

La prenotazione: Reservation

L'albergo: Hotel

La pensione: Guesthouse

L'appartamento: Apartment

Il campeggio: Camping

L'ostello: Hostel

La guida turistica: Tour guide

La mappa: Map

Il museo: Museum

Il monumento: Monument

Il parco: Park

La piazza: Square

Il ristorante: Restaurant

Il caffè: Café

Il souvenir: Souvenir

La cartolina: Postcard

Discussing Travel Plans

When planning your holiday, you'll need to discuss your destination, travel dates, and activities. Here are some phrases to get you started.

  • Dove vai in vacanza? (Where are you going on holiday?)

  • Vado in Italia. (I’m going to Italy.)

  • Quando parti? (When are you leaving?)

  • Parto la prossima settimana. (I’m leaving next week.)

  • Quanto tempo rimarrai? (How long will you stay?)

  • Rimarrò per due settimane. (I’ll stay for two weeks.)

  • Cosa hai intenzione di fare? (What are you planning to do?)

  • Voglio visitare i musei e mangiare cibo locale. (I want to visit museums and eat local food.)

  • Voglio rilassarmi in spiaggia. (I want to relax on the beach.)

Packing Your Bags

Packing is an essential part of holiday preparation.

Here's how you can talk about it in Italian.

  • Hai fatto le valigie? (Have you packed your bags?)

  • Devo fare la valigia. (I need to pack my suitcase.)

  • Non dimenticare il passaporto! (Don’t forget your passport!)

  • Io porto sempre troppe cose. (I always pack too much.)

  • Cosa dovrei portare? (What should I bring?)

  • Porta scarpe comode. (Bring comfortable shoes.)

  • Porta vestiti leggeri ed il passaporto. (Bring light clothes and your passport.)

Sharing Your Holiday Experience

After your holiday, sharing your experiences with friends and family is always fun. Here are some useful phrases.

  • Come sono andate le vacanze? (How was your holiday?)

  • È stato fantastico!  (It was fantastic!)

  • Il tempo era bellissimo. (The weather was beautiful.)

  • Ho visto posti stupendi. (I saw amazing places.)

  • Ho adorato il cibo. (I loved the food.)

  • Ho incontrato persone interessanti. (I met interesting people.)

  • Ho adorato il cibo e ho visto posti bellissimi. (I loved the food and saw beautiful places.)

  • Voglio tornare l'anno prossimo. (I want to go back next year.)

Talking about holidays in Italian can be fun and enriching.

With the right vocabulary and phrases, you can confidently share your travel plans, packing details, and holiday experiences. So, next time you’re planning your holiday, try using these Italian phrases.


Buon viaggio! Divertiti😊